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  • GenSix Conference DVD Bundle

Six Conference DVD Super Pack

Original price was: $599.00.Current price is: $299.00.

Now enjoy 6 incredible GenSix-sponsored conferences on DVD at a discounted price!

  • Extinction Protocols - 2021 Conference DVD Set
  • Final Warning - 2020 Conference DVD Set
  • Ancient Cataclysms and Coming Catastrophes - 2020 True Legends Conference DVD Set
  • Answering the Alien Question - 2019 True Legends Conference DVD Set
  • Transhumanism and the Hybrid Age - 2018 True Legends Conference DVD Set
  • The Truth Can Be Stranger Than Fiction - 2017 True Legends Conference DVD Set

SKU: CONF-SPR-BNDL Categories: , , ,


Six Conference DVD Sets in One Bundle – Individually Valued at $600!

2021 Extinction Protocols Conference DVD Set

This complete disc set includes all speaker presentations from the 2021 EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS broadcast with Steve Quayle, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gary Heavin, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Egon von Greyerz, Mike Adams, Lisa Haven, Paul Begley, Dave Hodges, Daniel Holdings, and more. This panel of expert speakers will encourage, equip and warn you for the days of darkness ahead. Tribulations are unfolding, minute by minute, and time is running out. We must all be prayerful and prepare to overcome the most perilous time in Earth’s history.

2020 Final Warning Conference DVD Set

This complete disc set includes all speaker presentations from the 2020 FINAL WARNING broadcast with Steve Quayle, Tom Horn, Gerald Celente, Mike Adams, Robert Maginnis, Lisa Haven, Greg Hunter, Dave Hodges, Daniel Holdings, and Brandon Smith. Between the fall election and the greatest pandemic in the modern age, a massive loss of freedom, civil unrest, famine, and war threaten to unravel our country -- and the world.

Ancient Cataclysms and Coming Catastrophes - 2020 True Legends Conference DVD Set

This complete disc set includes all speaker presentations from the May 2020 True Legends Conference with Steve Quayle, Mike Adams, Russ Dizdar, Gary Wayne, Michael Lake, Carl Teichrib, Celeste Solum, L.A. Marzulli, Bob Griswold, Derek Gilbert, and more.

Ancient Cataclysms and the Coming Catastrophe took place May 15-16, 2020 as a streaming-only event. An unprecedented team assembled to answer questions such as: Before the Earth had become formless and void, did a vast and ancient civilization thrive in the time before time began? Did Lucifer, during this indeterminate span, rule our world and galaxy before his infamous fall? Was a planet named Rahab destroyed as part of this cosmic and heavenly war? Was worship of that serpent of old and his eventual rebellion the reason God's wrath wiped our planet clean before His new creation? And in the first era of man, what horrible events followed that could have led to the great deluge? ...and more

Answering the Alien Question - 2019 True Legends Conference DVD Set

This complete disc set includes all speaker presentations from the 2019 True Legends Conference with Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, L.A. Marzulli, Chase Kloetzke, Michael Lake, Michael Schratt, Hugo de Garis, George Knapp, Gary Stearman, Mike Adams, and more.

"Answering the Alien Question" took place at the Mansion Theatre in Branson, MO, September 13-15, 2019. Never before has a team assembled together to answer questions like: "Are aliens demons? If not, what are they? Who created them? Where do they come from? What do they want and how do we stop them from interfering in our lives?"

Transhumanism and the Hybrid Age - 2018 True Legends Conference DVD Set

The 2018 True Legends Conference 7-Disc DVD Set includes all of the speaker and music sessions from the epic 2018 event entitled "Transhumanism and the Hybrid Age".

Virtually join us for the 2018 True Legends Conference to see and hear the incredible line up of speakers including: Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, Sharon Gilbert, David Knight, Richard Dolan, Dr. Hugo De Garis, and more!

The Truth Can Be Stranger Than Fiction - 2017 True Legends Conference DVD Set

The complete DVD set that includes all speaker presentations from the 2017 True Legends Conference is now available! Virtually join us in beautiful Branson, MO and see and hear these great men of God: Stephen Quayle, Tom Horn, L.A. Marzulli, Anselm Pi Rambla, Timothy Alberino, David Lankford, Derek Gilbert, Dr. Michael Lake, and Henry Gruver.


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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2025 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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