FAQ - SQ Private Briefings

Everything you need to know about SQ Private Briefings

Step-By-Step Instructions to Access Your SQ Private Briefings Content

If you've already purchased an SQ Private Briefings subscription, YOU MUST BE LOGGED INTO YOUR GENSIX ACCOUNT TO BE ABLE TO ACCESS THE CONTENT.

1. Go to the Login page and enter your username and password in the Login form. Your username is your email address. Please note that GenSix and QFiles are completely separate and your passwords may not be the same.

2. Once you are logged into your GenSix account, navigate to the SQ Private Briefings Overview page here: https://www.gensix.com/sq-private-briefings-overview/. If you can access this page, that means that you have an active SQ Private Briefings subscription and that you're successfully logged into your account. From this page, you can access everything you need related to your subscription.

If you CANNOT access this page, there are several troubleshooting steps:

  • Go to your account area and check your recent Orders or Subscriptions. If you don't see the SQ Private Briefings subscription listed there, then it's not associated with your account. It may be that you haven't actually purchased a subscription or in some cases, customers may inadvertently have set up 2 GenSix accounts under 2 separate emails. If that's the case, you'll want to log into the account associated with the purchase.
  • It's also possible that you're not logged into your account at all. If you're logged into your GenSix account, you should be able to go to account area and see your personal information. If you're greeted with a login screen instead, you're not logged in yet.


3. Login issues: Often times customers aren't able to get into their GenSix account for a number of reasons. 

If you are having trouble logging into an account that you already created, here are a few troubleshooting steps to try first:

  • Go to: https://www.gensix.com/my-account/ and enter in the email address and password you used when creating your account under the area that says “LOGIN” located on the left side (desktop) or top (mobile/devices). It’s possible to think that you’re logging in when really you’re filling out the “REGISTER FORM” that is on the right side.
  • Ensure that caps lock is not on when entering your password.
  • If you still can’t get in and think you may have the incorrect password, click the Lost your password? link. A link to reset your password will be sent to your email.
  • If you are still unable to get into your account, there are several things you will want to check:
    a) If you aren’t seeing your “Reset Password” email from us (when resetting your password), first check your spam/junk folder to make sure the email hasn’t landed there.
    b) If you often use multiple email accounts, you’ll want to ensure that you didn’t set the account up with another email address.
    c) If you still don’t see the email, it’s possible that you misspelled or mistyped your email address when setting up your account in the first place.  We’ve had users inadvertently paste extra characters when copying and pasting an email address, or mistype the address when setting up the account initially. If you suspect this may be the issue, you’ll want to contact us to find your account and ensure that the correct email is attached to the account and change it if necessary.
  • In some rare cases, users may not have actually completed a user registration, so they don’t have an account set up, even though they may have gone through several steps. By contacting us, we can confirm whether or not an email address exists in our system.

In a pinch, or team can MANUALLY reset your password for you if you aren't seeing a reset link in your email.


Accessing SQ Private Briefing Content

Once you're successfully logged into your account with an SQ Private Briefing subscription, there are some helpful things to know. Here are some helpful links and info.

We've created a menu link item at the top of every webpage on the GenSix site that says "SQ". If you click or hover over this menu item, the dropdown will give you all the important pages and links associated with your subscription. If you're not logged into your account and you click these links, it will prompt you to login or subscribe.


For quick reference, here are specific links:

SQ Private Briefings Overview page: https://www.gensix.com/sq-private-briefings-overview/

SQ Exclusive Reports (e.g. Antarctica): https://www.gensix.com/sq-exclusive-reports/

SQ Private Briefings (All briefings): https://www.gensix.com/category/sqpb/

SQ Extras (videos): https://www.gensix.com/sq-extras/

When Do New Briefings Post? Will I Get an Email?

New Private Briefings are posted 1-2 times per week. Typically, we'll email you to let you know that a new Private Briefing has posted. In some cases, you may receive an email the next day. You can always login to your GenSix account to see what's new at any time.

If you're actively logged into your GenSix account with a subscription, you can sign up for email alerts here: https://www.gensix.com/category/sqpb/ with the "Subscribe here" link at the top of the page.

Where is the Antarctica Report?

The Antarctica Report and and future special reports will be viewable here (while logged into your account): https://www.gensix.com/sq-exclusive-reports/. Simply click on the image to download the PDF.

Questions? If you're still having issues, feel free to contact us.

Take Me To The Contact Form



GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2025 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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