Steve Quayle: “What if all the numbers for the CV-19 attack are 100 times worse (approaching half-a-billion deaths) than what have been reported in the mainstream media? Would that change some of the prophetic charts you've been led to believe? ...
Never before has the world been so near to unraveling, or the mainstream media been so full of Luciferian lies. SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS cuts through the veil of deceit to reveal what’s really going on behind the scenes. What started out as a few links to independent news stories has become an in-depth commentary from Steve Quayle covering cataclysmic events, devious depopulation schemes, and the final countdown to Armageddon.
Steve Quayle: “What if all the numbers for the CV-19 attack are 100 times worse (approaching half-a-billion deaths) than what have been reported in the mainstream media? Would that change some of the prophetic charts you've been led to believe? ...
Steve Quayle: “With global insanity and demonic manifestations happening every minute in these United States, it’s clear that we are in the generation that scripture speaks of: having eyes we do not see, and having ears we do not hear. We have...
Steve Quayle: “There should be no doubt now that China's is using asymmetric warfare against the United States, even inside the ‘Woke Movement.’ Ray Starman wrote a fantastic article entitled While America Sleeps. In it, he quotes an ancient...
Steve Quayle: “America's military might and advantage has been destroyed by traitors within our government, as high up as the presidency. The purpose of today's PRIVATE BRIEFING is to give you a realistic assessment of Russian capabilities in re...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.