Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, let’s start this PRIVATE BRIEFING at the end, and work back to where we are now. Bottom Line: What’s about to take place is the single largest shift away from traditional financial methods IN THE HISTO...
Never before has the world been so near to unraveling, or the mainstream media been so full of Luciferian lies. SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS cuts through the veil of deceit to reveal what’s really going on behind the scenes. What started out as a few links to independent news stories has become an in-depth commentary from Steve Quayle covering cataclysmic events, devious depopulation schemes, and the final countdown to Armageddon.
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, let’s start this PRIVATE BRIEFING at the end, and work back to where we are now. Bottom Line: What’s about to take place is the single largest shift away from traditional financial methods IN THE HISTO...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the stuff of both Biblical prophecy and Hollywood movies is coming true before our eyes -- and what I’m about to tell you about the country of Egypt is truly shocking. Before we get into it though, let m...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, what I need to emphasize to you today, as gently as I can, is the fact that the long-foretold Ezekiel 38-39 War about to erupt, will NOT be stopped by God Almighty ahead of time! I am getting comments from...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I’ve learned through several reliable sources that Fed-Ex is cutting over half of their pilots as they do not have enough packages to ship! That is why time is of the essence. If you need to acquire a re...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.