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QFiles Private Briefings

Steve Quayle: "The title for today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING says it all. Putin is a mastermind, and we’re in deep trouble. Our enemies are about to triumph over us. Here is a simple question we all need to ask ourselves: What happens when no one in the...
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Steve Quayle: “Ladies and gentlemen, as Mike Adams with Natural News is reporting, they’ve begun blatantly killing patients in hospitals – no doubt to collect some kind of satanic COVID reimbursement for every PLANdemic case they can conjure...

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Steve Quayle: “Though I’m beginning to feel better, I come to you today in this PRIVATE BRIEFING with a very heavy heart. The Earth has split open and God’s Fiery Wrath is pouring out of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on Spain’s La Palma Island,...

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Darrin Geisinger: “Steve contacted me again today and said that the world is quickly plummeting into financial ruin. He wanted to send out this additional PRIVATE BRIEFING as a warning to all of his Q Files Subscribers so you know what’s reall...

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Darrin Geisinger: “Steve is recovering nicely and will no doubt be back to writing commentary and making videos soon -- but he wanted to get this urgent PRIVATE BRIEFING out to you today as there may not be time to wait. An American submarine st...

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Darrin Geisinger: “I’d like to encourage everyone receiving this PRIVATE BRIEFING to watch this short video from Tucker Carlson. By now, I would have thought I’d be immune to this level of shock and disgust, but seeing the freedoms we once e...

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Steve Quayle: “Probably one of the most difficult issues to express to the United States of America, especially the Christian Church therein, is that when nations that were once blessed by the Living God turn away from Him and embrace every form...

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Steve Quayle: "My brothers & sisters in the U.S.A., what is happening in Australia right now is mind-boggling, and should be DEEPLY concerning to all of us in this once great nation. The New World Order is NOT even trying to hide what it’s ...

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Steve Quayle: Ladies and Gentleman, I will be letting the links we’ve provided today, as well as Science Guy’s Special Insider PDF Report, speak for themselves as to the lateness of the hour. It is absolutely critical that you stay in the Word...

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Steve Quayle: "In all the countless times that I’ve written a commentary or delivered a podcast, these have to be the saddest headlines I have EVER forced my eyes upon. Even today, Justice Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court stated that the Jud...

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Steve Quayle: “Never in the history of any nation has so much denial been exhibited against a sworn enemy of the United States. China recently admitted that they have destroyed this nation through their biological weapons launched in the form of th...
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The Rise of Super-Soldiers and the Reanimated Genesis 6 Giants! Copyright © GenSix Productions 2021, All Rights Reserved ( NOTE: These SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS will soon only be available to Q FILES Subscribers ONLY. So if you want t...
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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2024 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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