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As we have entered the judgment cycle of Almighty God upon our once great nation, it's imperative that all of us understand that the truth, on any matter, will never be told to the public. As most of you are aware, the Cascadia subduction zone has be...
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Steve Quayle: “From the beginning of man, the devil and his fallen angels have sought to pollute the human genome and do away with God's original creation for mankind, who was created in His image and likeness. Human extinction, and the total destr...
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Steve Quayle: "The next 48 hours will decide the fate of the world as President Putin is pushing back hard against the Globalists. The fact that the United States, NATO, and all military assets are to be out of Ukraine by Wednesday the 21st is a shoc...
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Steve Quayle: "Approximately seven years ago I stated, as most of you know, that before God allowed Russia and China to attack the United States (with nuclear weapons) that He would reveal the sins of its leaders to the people, and the people’s sin...
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Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, the fact that it's now being made public that DNA can be extracted from the air around us should give a big heads-up as to the true capabilities of how the Elites can locate anyone they want..."...
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Steve Quayle: “For more than three millennia, the mystery schools of Egypt have been providing secret and arcane knowledge which originated from the Fallen Angels, both before Noah's flood, and after Noah's flood. All secret societies in the world ...
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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, never in the history of the United States have the American people become the targets of a government so totally focused on destroying their families, their nationalism and their ability to provide for their own families fo...
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Steve Quayle: “Alien disclosure will produce the greatest upset in world history. When a major publication such as the Wall Street Journal carries the story of alien languages, it is putting the public on notice that the Elites are taking control o...
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Steve Quayle: “Brothers and sisters, the headlines are now showing that new mutagenic strains of viruses, and specific engineered bio-weapons, are being released world-wide. These new strains are targeting various high-population-density groups of ...
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Steve Quayle: “When God's judgment falls on a nation, the prophet Jeremiah stated that the countries surrounding the nation under judgment would literally HISS in contempt at the strength of the nation it thought could never be defeated, now wastin...
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Steve Quayle: “The title of this year's conference couldn't be more concise or timely. The word extinction means ‘the doing away with, or the annihilation of different species of flora and fauna’, couple that definition with severe earth change...
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Steve Quayle: “15 years ago I came up with a term entitled Reality Avoidance Disorder, and it's playing out every day with the insanity of people willing to take genetic-changing-injections with no concern for their long-term, deadly results. The m...
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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

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