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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve been wondering why the Great Reset isn’t feeling so great, you’re not alone. The reason it feels so bad, and why your bank accounts seem to be drying up, is that this Reset isn’t for you..."...
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God showed me future events, prophetic fulfillments, that I could not know beforehand. As such, there are several things in those novels that have actually come true, and people are stunned to hear that I wrote about them years before the actual ...

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Steve Quayle: Brothers & sisters, I’m sending out this PRIVATE BRIEFING today with a heavy heart. Having been in talk radio for over 30 years I knew this day was coming, but its arrival is no less disturbing. Sleepy Joe’s recent speech in...

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Steve Quayle: “You’ve heard it said that there is ‘Nothing New Under the Sun,’ and the topic of today’s BRIEFING illustrates that in remarkable ways. Is it too early to bottom line all this?: In ancient times, super-kingdoms went to war ...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, let me start off this PRIVATE BRIEFING with an actual video of what we’ll be talking about today: TR3B_Craft_VIDEO. Not only is this footage quite clear, it even shows this massive triangular shape vesse...

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Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, if you’re wondering when the fall of the United States is going to happen, the answer is that it already has. Undone from traitors within, and bought out from enemies all around us, the collapse of our onc...

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Steve Quayle: “Atlantis, The Lost Continent: The most legendary and covered-up location in history. In today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING I will tell you why. First, let’s focus specifically on why God judged this mysterious civilization. It involves ...

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Steve Quayle: “The majority of what USED to be Christian Churches in America have abandoned the Bible, and nearly all have denied Jesus in some fashion. God's Word and true Biblical prophecy, the Book of Revelation, the minor and major profits h...

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Steve Quayle: “If the Republican Party wanted a clue into what's being done to Donald Trump – and more importantly to patriotic Americans everywhere – they would simply read Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals! To prove that there is no...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, did you ever wonder why so many Iraqi soldiers, screaming in urgency with white flags in hand, simply surrendered to American troops? It’s because they were told ‘by Allah’ that they were to do so, a...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, many of you have been suffering under extreme heat and drought conditions. My prayers – and my heart -- go out to you. What you’ve been experiencing is yet another wicked tool in the Globalist’s arse...

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Steve Quayle: “One of the greatest promises in the Bible is where God declares that in the mouth of two or three witnesses ‘let every word be established!’ This PRIVATE BRIEFING could not have been timelier, nor been more directed by the Lor...

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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2025 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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