Steve Quayle: “Dear SQ PRIVATE BRIEFING subscribers, prior to receiving Linda Hasche’s prophecy on Nibiru (included below in this Alert), I received a related and very SPECIFIC PROPHECY over 20 years ago that I wrote down and read on the air. ...
Steve Quayle: “Let’s bottom line this BRIEFING in the first sentence: ‘What good are worthless dollars when a man will give up everything for his pottage!’ ...And what that means ladies & gentlemen is that 142 countries are right now ...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2023, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, this SQ PRIVATE BRIEFING was originally sent out in May of last year, but due to our last two Alerts involving Professor Kincaid and his use of Stargat...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, our latest Special Report PDF below will shock & amaze you. Science Guy has done his usual job of unearthing ‘what’s really going on’ behind the scenes as it pertains to Egyptians in the Grand C...
Steve Quayle: “For the next two PRIVATE BRIEFINGS we’ll be sharing with you our investigation into the reality of Professor Kincaid and his incredible expedition into the Grand Canyon. On that expedition, Kincaid was responsible for one of the...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, just like they profited from the countries of Ukraine and China, the ‘Big Guy’ has DRAINED the life away from these DIS-United States -- at your ultimate expense! With policies AIMED at collapsing our ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the financial DEATH of America is on display for the whole world to see. The Globalists plan to undo the once-greatest-nation-on-Earth is in its final stages..."
Steve Quayle: “Financial RED ALERT for all PRIVATE BRIEFING subscribers! What is taking place in all secret weekend meetings, in the U.S., Europe, & Japan, is a never experienced state of panic according to those who I know… DO know! The ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the number of recent encounters and eye-witness testimonies seeing creatures and entities of all kinds entering our realm is STAGGERING. While legends and movie-lore has tantalized us with the idea of comi...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, long before the show Doomsday Preppers popularized end-of-the-world bunkers for common folks, the governments of the world have been building MASSIVE underground facilities that they hope will save them in...
Steve Quaye: “Brothers & sisters, the economic COLLAPSE that I’ve long been warning about is unfolding right now. Science Guy gets into the situation in much more detail below, but one of the warning signs that catastrophe is imminent is ...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.