Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, when I wrote my book Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II (Link for book here: EMPIRE), what I revealed shocked a great many people. Now that it’s coming out that Russia invaded the Uk...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, when I wrote my book Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II (Link for book here: EMPIRE), what I revealed shocked a great many people. Now that it’s coming out that Russia invaded the Uk...
Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, I hope you're sitting as you read this urgent PRIVATE BRIEFING because what’s coming out now about the Elite’s plan to execute humanity is simply staggering. They have designed a bio-weapon that is becom...
Steve Quayle: “Eventually, all puppet shows come to an end. When the man behind the curtain steps out to take a bow, we’ll confirm who has been pulling the strings all along. The apostle Paul spoke to the Galatians about being manipulated and ...
Daniel Holdings: "In my last article for SQ Private Briefings, you may remember me saying that I was a nuclear missile technician in the Air Force back in the early 80’s. So, if there is anyone that can discuss this topic, it’s me..."
...Steve Quayle: “’To Nuke or Not to Nuke’ is no longer a question but a matter of timing, and what will happen next is going to be a wake-up call for the entire world. With Polenz’s decision to allow NATO and U.S. nuclear missiles into (Germ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentleman, I don’t have to remind you of how the crumbling of these Dis-United States is affecting your bottom line. A trip to your local gas-pumps or grocery store tells you that something is very wrong in the wor...
Steve Quayle: “It is quite telling that of all the planets in our solar system, none play a more important role in history than the planet Mars. Mars is known as the ‘Angry Red Planet,’ and it’s notable that one of the richest men in the w...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, it’s hard to find new ways to issue the same warning. For over 26 years I have been beating the drums of ‘preparation.’ I’ve shouted to anyone that would listen to me; PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE, an...
Steve Quayle: “As the United States FOOD CRISIS is being engineered by Lucifer himself, all who have pledged their loyalty to him for empty promises will soon be led into eternal damnation. Where we once were known as the land of plenty, we’ve...
Daniel Holdings: "The war that will ensue as a result of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict is different in every respect. World War III has already started but the vast majority of the population on planet earth is clueless as to the ongoing eve...
Steve Quayle: Ladies & gentlemen, the headlines speak for themselves. What I’ve been warning you about for over 26 years is now reality. If any of you were doubting the famous Deagal Report that forecasted there would only be 100 million Am...
Steve Quayle: “Science fiction films such as The Day the Earth Stood Still were way ahead of their time in conditioning viewers to accept what I’m calling a ‘Complete Standstill in the Dis-United States.’ As I am writing this the night of ...
Darrin Geisinger: You were likely anxious to hear form Steve Quayle this morning (with good reason given the times we’re in), so let me be brief. When I watched this twenty-three-minute clip from Tucker Carlson last night I felt my jaw loosening...
Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, we are now at a crisis point in the timeline of history. Everything I've ever warned you about, everything I've ever tried to prepare you for, is converging. I've asked both Daniel Holdings AND Science Guy t...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, we must put the coming Global Genocide into historical perspective. As of today, the world’s population is approximately 7.9 billion people, while the U.S. population hovers around 331 million. What if I...
Steve Quayle: “It may come as a surprise to many Christians that TRILLIONS of dollars have been spent in secret on advanced spacecraft, moon & Martian bases, and on space-based-weapons-platforms to combat the eventual (and certain) return o...
Steve Quayle: “It’s here: Financial Armageddon and the End of the American Way of Life. I want everyone reading this to understand that the current entities running this country into the ground are hard-core communists, but more importantly, t...
Steve Quayle: “Today's PRIVATE BRIEFING will be dealing with the disturbing reality of Deep Underground Military Bases (or D.U.M.B.S.), ancient cave systems, tunnel & highways systems, and the vast amount of secrets hidden right under our f...
Steve Quayle: “Today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING deals with World War III, which I have called the coming ‘hyper-war’ as it will likely be over in a matter of hours. As you read these words, massive amounts of military supplies and armament are bei...
Steve Quayle: “The Philadelphia Experiment was an amazing undertaking that combined ancient technology with contemporary power generation to transport a huge military ship and its crew – instantly – between two locations on planet Earth! Yet...
Steve Quayle: “Today's foundational PRIVATE BRIEFING will help you understand the complex and ever-evolving ‘alien’ cover-over & cover-up. Today’s topic is not a light one. We’re going to examine the evidence concerning governments ...
Steve Quayle: “I believe the hardest thing for us to deal with, in a country once so abundantly blessed, is watching the Luciferian take down and destruction happen right before our eyes. The disconnect between the farmer’s field and the food ...
Steve Quayle: “Most of you are familiar with the concept of geo-engineering, weather-wars, and seismic-initiation through different forms of electromagnetic weaponry. It behooves us at this point to take a hard look at just what initiated the To...
Steve Quayle: “The Apocalypse, better known as the Book of Revelation, is now unfolding before our eyes. We are being confronted by politicians on both sides of the aisle who are intentionally provoking a nuclear confrontation with Russia. Their...
Steve Quayle: “Seeing empty grocery shelves across the country, watching trucker strikes, and witnessing the attack on the American farmer and rancher, is evidence of one of the most insidious plans ever launched against the people of the United...
Steve Quayle: “Peace has been taken from the Earth and the battle against Christianity has kicked into high gear. The hardest point to get across to evangelicals, who don't see or more like WON’T see the lateness of the hour, is that we’re d...
Steve Quayle: "This PRIVATE BRIEFING has two of the most remarkable images of the secret Black Star and triangular TR-3B aircraft ever seen. Both of these aerial vehicles are capable of jumping space-time -- with the Black Star able to go anywhere...
Steve Quayle: "My first book: Aliens, Fallen Angels, and the Sexual Corruption of the Human Race is based on Genesis chapter 6, verse 4, and was meant to give the people of God a historic and biblical reference to the coming lie that a majority of...
Steve Quayle: “Hello. This is the final message for the year 2021. It’s going out to all Q Files Subscribers, clients, friends, and all you who are of the redeemed of the Lord Jesus Christ, covered in His precious blood, whose sins are forgive...
Steve Quayle: “When Jesus stated that the ‘love of money is the root of all evil’ (and also by inference the control of money), the consequences of that statement are playing out before our eyes. The inflation of unjust-paper-money (being pr...
Steve Quayle: “Never underestimate your enemy and remember what you don't see is what comes back to bite you in a fight. As the idea of nuclear war is being thrown around, with threats from U.S. Senator Wicker and our so-called President himself...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, we could not wait until Thursday to send you this breaking news: War is about to be unleashed in all corners of the planet. Science Guy has compiled a comprehensive PDF on the entire situation so please re...
Steve Quayle: “One of the biggest problems facing this end-of-the-age generation, both Christian and non-Christian, is the new context that exists when trying to understand events, situations, and phenomena that have never taken place in our liv...
Steve Quayle: “One of the most notable details from the series Star Trek were the perpetual references to the Klingon’s ships being able to CLOAK: meaning, the main character's arch-enemies could have their spacecraft disappear, or make their ...
Steve Quayle: “When Obama was elected president, I made a statement that he would be the ‘Obama-nation that makes it desolate’ – IT being the United States. Until recently, most Bible scholars overlooked Jesus’ statements about ‘nation...
Steve Quayle: Recently, a scientist made a statement on the Hagmann Report that he didn't believe Cumbre Vieja was a big deal. He was basing his hypothesis purely on the notion that the number of earthquakes had been slowly diminishing up until th...
Steve Quayle: “One of the hardest issues to get people to understand concerning the ‘aliens’ and their advanced technology is that they can move equally well underwater, in space, or in between dimensions using star gates. They have used thi...
Steve Quayle: “What if all the numbers for the CV-19 attack are 100 times worse (approaching half-a-billion deaths) than what have been reported in the mainstream media? Would that change some of the prophetic charts you've been led to believe? ...
Steve Quayle: “With global insanity and demonic manifestations happening every minute in these United States, it’s clear that we are in the generation that scripture speaks of: having eyes we do not see, and having ears we do not hear. We have...
Steve Quayle: “There should be no doubt now that China's is using asymmetric warfare against the United States, even inside the ‘Woke Movement.’ Ray Starman wrote a fantastic article entitled While America Sleeps. In it, he quotes an ancient...
Steve Quayle: “America's military might and advantage has been destroyed by traitors within our government, as high up as the presidency. The purpose of today's PRIVATE BRIEFING is to give you a realistic assessment of Russian capabilities in re...
Steve Quayle: “Here is why Pontius Pilate’s question to Jesus about TRUTH is so relevant today, and why it’s the most important question in the history of mankind. As we all listen to Dr. Fauci, along with the TV’s talking heads & lyi...
Steve Quayle: “The topic of guillotines, even the image of guillotines, is one of the most symbolic images of war, rebellion, and revolution. Obviously, the French Revolution brought the guillotine and the beheading of the aristocracy to the for...
Steve Quayle: “One of the most unusual statements I've ever made was on talk radio, over a quarter-century ago. At that time, the Lord Jesus had instructed me to warn His people that once cannibalism and the world’s major volcanoes were erupti...
Steve Quayle: “One of the most interesting phenomena that's playing out is the open Satanism and willful abandonment of Biblical Christianity. The Demon-rats and the supposedly Biblical/Conservative Republic-rats have declared war on the Living ...
Steve Quayle: “The most terrifying weapons-announcement ever uttered has just been issued by China. The fact that all DNA databases, COVID-19 swabs, and every known genetic material extracted from humans, is in the possession of the Chinese, has...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, simply put, there is no going back to our former freedom and liberty in this country. A physical-solution is not available to conquer our deeply imbedded spiritual problems. A supernatural war is being wag...
Steve Quayle: "The title for today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING says it all. Putin is a mastermind, and we’re in deep trouble. Our enemies are about to triumph over us. Here is a simple question we all need to ask ourselves: What happens when no one in ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies and gentlemen, as Mike Adams with Natural News is reporting, they’ve begun blatantly killing patients in hospitals – no doubt to collect some kind of satanic COVID reimbursement for every PLANdemic case they can conjure...
Steve Quayle: “Though I’m beginning to feel better, I come to you today in this PRIVATE BRIEFING with a very heavy heart. The Earth has split open and God’s Fiery Wrath is pouring out of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on Spain’s La Palma Island,...
Darrin Geisinger: “Steve contacted me again today and said that the world is quickly plummeting into financial ruin. He wanted to send out this additional PRIVATE BRIEFING as a warning to all of his Q Files Subscribers so you know what’s reall...
Darrin Geisinger: “Steve is recovering nicely and will no doubt be back to writing commentary and making videos soon -- but he wanted to get this urgent PRIVATE BRIEFING out to you today as there may not be time to wait. An American submarine st...
Darrin Geisinger: “I’d like to encourage everyone receiving this PRIVATE BRIEFING to watch this short video from Tucker Carlson. By now, I would have thought I’d be immune to this level of shock and disgust, but seeing the freedoms we once e...
Steve Quayle: “Probably one of the most difficult issues to express to the United States of America, especially the Christian Church therein, is that when nations that were once blessed by the Living God turn away from Him and embrace every form...
Steve Quayle: "My brothers & sisters in the U.S.A., what is happening in Australia right now is mind-boggling, and should be DEEPLY concerning to all of us in this once great nation. The New World Order is NOT even trying to hide what it’s ...
Steve Quayle: Ladies and Gentleman, I will be letting the links we’ve provided today, as well as Science Guy’s Special Insider PDF Report, speak for themselves as to the lateness of the hour. It is absolutely critical that you stay in the Word...
Steve Quayle: "In all the countless times that I’ve written a commentary or delivered a podcast, these have to be the saddest headlines I have EVER forced my eyes upon. Even today, Justice Clarence Thomas of the Supreme Court stated that the Jud...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.