Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, while your hard-earned money is being syphoned away and shipped to the VERY CORRUPT Ukraine (so the ‘big guy’ can get his kick-backs), one of the largest disasters to EVER strike this country continues...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, while your hard-earned money is being syphoned away and shipped to the VERY CORRUPT Ukraine (so the ‘big guy’ can get his kick-backs), one of the largest disasters to EVER strike this country continues...
command they can complete a student’s homework, take the test for them, AND grade the paper! In the Terminator movies they say something like “And that’s when the machines got smart...” The film also goes on to say the AI became ‘aware a...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I wish with all my heart that we were not sending out this urgent BRIEFING, but it looks like war with Russia is both unavoidable and imminent. Our bumbling, stumbling ‘leadership’ is hell-bent on prov...
Steve Quayle: “Let’s just get right to it: AI and the entities swimming around Quantum Super-Computers are demonic beings released for diabolical purposes by the Fallen Angels. There you have it. These entities, controlled by Lucifer’s Falle...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I wish I had some better news to report. Worldwide events are becoming so perilous and so bizarre, that it’s difficult to describe just how bad things are getting. Over the next few SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the Air Force under its ‘WOKE policies’ of a self-destructing defense-department have turned it into the Air FARCE, especially concerning the unknown object that our jet fighters are trying to intercep...
Steve Quayle: “Let’s not mince words: If the Globalists cannot kill you off via depopulation, starvation, and deadly JABS, anyone left alive will be genetically corrupted or BORGED into the Luciferian Matrix. It’s all about CORRUPTING the Im...
Steve Quayle: “The whole narrative in the main-stream press, the military, and the science community is another re-do of COVID-19 misdirecting the population from obvious facts. Did you notice how no one mentioned how a balloon could possibly st...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2023, All Rights ReservedDry run: Balloons called top ‘delivery platform’ for nuclear EMP attack | Washington Examiner, Link HERE: Nuke_EMP Steve Quayle: “Just when you thought things couldn't get any more biz...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING is a continuation on the apparitions & visions that took place in Portugal, Spain in the early 1900s. We hope to make our stance on these and other events like it, very clea...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, we included the above quote to help catch some of you up on what FATIMA is, or at least the first two parts of the Fatima ‘secret.’ For a little more background: In the early 1900s, three children in P...
Steve Quale: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve read my past rants about what I call the ‘mainstream-vomit-media’ -- and laughed, laugh no more. While the talking-heads on TV are indeed comical, the COORDINATED LIES they’ve been forcing...
Steve Quayle: “The last thing standing in the way of the Globalists was a strong and free United States. Having already conquered Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Europe, the only force still capable of stopping the onset of their One World Te...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, with all hell literally breaking loose, it’s easy to become distracted with what the mainstream vomit-media wants you to focus on. They magically find some papers in Biden’s garage and the next thing y...
Steve Quayle: “I’m sure by now you’ve seen the video clips of being dropping dead, or ‘dying suddenly.’ This footage, especially strung together montage-style, is beyond disturbing. No doubt they are censoring & blocking from the pu...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the verse we’ve included above states that ‘men will seek death but be unable to find it.’ If you’ve ever read the statement in the past and wondered just how something like that will come about, w...
Steve Quayle: Ladies & gentlemen, in 1953 a film was released by the name of Invaders from Mars. We’ve included an image of its dramatic movie poster right here. What is so significant about this film you ask? It was the first movie that co...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I asked Science Guy to write up a year-end review and he did an amazing job summing up the disastrous situation we find ourselves in..."
Steve Quayle: “For those of you familiar with Agenda 2030; the Elite’s plan to install a fascist, technocratic, totalitarian beast system... If you thought to yourself: “There’s no way they have enough time to unfold all that!” Well, you...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I don’t have to tell you that climactic events are accelerating. We are flying at lightspeed toward the End of the Age. The mainstream and alt news headlines are literally STUFFED with so many Earth-shat...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, a bleak future is here. The robotic nightmares of countless sci-fi movies are about to start slaughtering mankind. Japan is leading the effort to create killer robots and exo-armor body suits capable of mu...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, except for the promises found in the Word of God, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Elon Musk APPEARS to be on the side of good. He seems to be fighting the liberal insanity that’s taking over thi...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, I cannot count the times people have asked me if the Great Tribulation has started yet. I’ll make my answer simple. Watch for these signs to know the truth: When it is clear that both the anti-christ AND...
Steve Quayle: “Before his death in 1999, former Jesuit priest, renowned exorcist, and papal advisor, Father Malachi Martin, made a stunning allusion to the Vatican’s knowledge of “what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us…”...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the insane world around us is now trying to ban use of the term ‘Ladies & Gentlemen.’ As if we needed any more evidence that we are indeed returning to the Days of Noah, along with a massive &...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, what I’m about to tell you – you probably already know. As SQ PRIVATE BRIEFING Subscribers, you’ve no doubt heard about the Genesis Chapter 6 Affair, as well as the ‘As in the Days of Noah’ Scena...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING dovetails with our previous post, delving into all the recent technological advancements and what they mean for your future -- and how they will be utilized in the soon arriving ...
Steve Quayle: “I’m going to start today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING by bottom lining is right out of the gate: The U.S. retail market has crashed and people are not spending the little they have left. Black Friday was true to its name and the usual s...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve ever wondered if you’d be around for the Mark and System of the Beast, wonder no more. It’s already here. And if you’ve ever wondered just how this system of control will work, that’s w...
Steve Quayle: “While some of our biggest adversaries have pulled together to strengthen their positions around the world, the Dis-United States has hitched its wagon to former (and current) comedian Zelensky of Ukraine. Zelensky has received unp...
Steve Quayle: “As 32 BILLION dollars in FTX Crypto vanishes into thin air, the rest of the world has gone broke, belly-up, busted. Well, that is... most of the world. Russia’s Ruble continues to gain strength as the new communist party of the ...
Steve Quayle: “With tensions escalating over the mid-term ‘elections,’ we’re scrambling at GenSix Productions to gather any insider-info or new alerts that we might need to rush out to you, our supporters. So, while we’re busy tracking p...
Steve Quayle: “While internet headlines have run wild with rumors about Paul Pelosi hammer-battling gay lovers in his underwear, America’s diesel reserves have run dry. If the term ‘diesel’ is vague for you, and you’re not exactly sure w...
BOTTOM LINE: Humanity has LONG-been sold out to Aliens, Fallen Angels, and any other entity that promised the Ruling Elite a technological advantage or a chance at immortality. Just how far back do these secret agreements and treaties go? Much far...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, as terrible as the threat of nuclear war is, there is something far worse. I realize that thought is hard to grasp. How could there be something worse than bombs that actually blow-up whole cities at a tim...
Steve Quayle: “As real and as frightening as World War III is, just imagine adding to it an American PLAN-demic Outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. With the swirling chaos of bombs going off, the news headlines will be stuffed with the demands o...
Steve Quayle: “You’ve heard it asked: ‘Ever have the feeling you’re being watched?’ Well, the reality is that it’s much, much worse than that. What was once thought of as pure conspiracy theory is now being commonly joked about and eve...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, we’ve experienced the end of the American Dream as we’ve known it. The days of free-spending and economic prosperity are over. Inflation is out of control and World War III is erupting -- and our ‘fe...
Steve Quayle: “Dear Subscribers, in a way, I’m at a loss for words. There are only so many ways to say that ‘there’s no way out of this,’ or that ‘the USA has already gone over the cliff,’ or that ‘there is NO WAY BACK from the fat...
Steve Quayle: “There is a pervasive storyline happening in both the false-mainstream-news AND also in Christian ‘Truther’ community: That Russia, if pushed into violence, MAY use a few tactical nukes during their attack. Let me put this blun...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, you probably don’t know who said: ‘We’re likely the last generation of homo sapiens...’ – but you should. Ironically his name is Noah. And just as humanity’s pure genetic code was saved through...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, ‘Science Guy’ has knocked it out of the park with this new Special Report. He’s done some in depth and revealing reports before, but nothing as comprehensive and JARRING as this one. What you’re ab...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, ‘World War is at Our Door.’ Conflict and death on a massive scale has come about in the past for MUCH LESS than what we’ve done with the Nord Stream. I stated in our last PRIVATE BRIEFING that our so...
Steve Quayle: “If you’re reading this and think that the crumbling of a foreign company can’t possibly affect you, you’d be wrong. Germany’s BASF is so huge that its demise will bring down the world’s economy with a tremendous thud..."...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the lie that is the world’s economy is collapsing. The Elite have known this is coming, and that is why they have endeavored to build for themselves a vast maze of underground tunnel-systems, as well as ...
Steve Quayle: “Dear Supporters, we’re long past feeling the iceberg thump against the hull of the Great Ship U.S.A. Freezing water is gushing aboard and we’re going down. Deck chairs have been arranged and rearranged (so-to-speak) as the buf...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, there lingers this perception that the United States Armed Forces are still the most powerful fighting force in the world. That notion couldn’t be farther from the truth. The combined efforts of Luciferi...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve been wondering why the Great Reset isn’t feeling so great, you’re not alone. The reason it feels so bad, and why your bank accounts seem to be drying up, is that this Reset isn’t for you....
God showed me future events, prophetic fulfillments, that I could not know beforehand. As such, there are several things in those novels that have actually come true, and people are stunned to hear that I wrote about them years before the actual ...
Steve Quayle: Brothers & sisters, I’m sending out this PRIVATE BRIEFING today with a heavy heart. Having been in talk radio for over 30 years I knew this day was coming, but its arrival is no less disturbing. Sleepy Joe’s recent speech in...
Steve Quayle: “You’ve heard it said that there is ‘Nothing New Under the Sun,’ and the topic of today’s BRIEFING illustrates that in remarkable ways. Is it too early to bottom line all this?: In ancient times, super-kingdoms went to war ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, let me start off this PRIVATE BRIEFING with an actual video of what we’ll be talking about today: TR3B_Craft_VIDEO. Not only is this footage quite clear, it even shows this massive triangular shape vesse...
Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, if you’re wondering when the fall of the United States is going to happen, the answer is that it already has. Undone from traitors within, and bought out from enemies all around us, the collapse of our onc...
Steve Quayle: “Atlantis, The Lost Continent: The most legendary and covered-up location in history. In today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING I will tell you why. First, let’s focus specifically on why God judged this mysterious civilization. It involves ...
Steve Quayle: “The majority of what USED to be Christian Churches in America have abandoned the Bible, and nearly all have denied Jesus in some fashion. God's Word and true Biblical prophecy, the Book of Revelation, the minor and major profits h...
Steve Quayle: “If the Republican Party wanted a clue into what's being done to Donald Trump – and more importantly to patriotic Americans everywhere – they would simply read Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals! To prove that there is no...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, did you ever wonder why so many Iraqi soldiers, screaming in urgency with white flags in hand, simply surrendered to American troops? It’s because they were told ‘by Allah’ that they were to do so, a...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, many of you have been suffering under extreme heat and drought conditions. My prayers – and my heart -- go out to you. What you’ve been experiencing is yet another wicked tool in the Globalist’s arse...
Steve Quayle: “One of the greatest promises in the Bible is where God declares that in the mouth of two or three witnesses ‘let every word be established!’ This PRIVATE BRIEFING could not have been timelier, nor been more directed by the Lor...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2022, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, while the U.S. Military has become a joke, ‘WOKE,’ weak, and vulnerable, China’s has become a fierce attack machine. With the Eastern country e...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the long-term manipulation of human DNA is now obvious! In this PRIVATE BRIEFING I'm going to link you to articles by Arthur Custance that are both shocking and revealing. If you want to know more about th...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I hope you’re sitting down when you read this. The ridiculous organization known as the FDA has just approved another bio-weapon: a JAB featuring the genetic material of MOTHS -- And if that was not enou...
Steve Quayle: “We have arrived at this point: Denial of what is obvious will result in certain death. I have never seen such supposedly informed people refuse to except what is happening right in front of them. Example: Some of the biggest food ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, let me be blunt. They MUST talk about what they’re going to do BEFORE they do it. Last week, when New York City pushed out a ‘public service announcement advising residents how to survive a nuclear att...
Steve Quayle: "Here comes one of the most powerful revelations I have ever announced: Ladies & gentlemen, the Fallen Angels have some kind of crystalline substance encoded in their DNA that records everything they have ever seen, heard, exper...
Steve Quayle: “Two recent headlines should blow everyone’s mind: ‘Russia’s New Weapons are Based on the latest, Cutting-Edge Physics,’ and given that fact, ‘U.S. NATO Missiles Will Likely Never Leave Their Silos.’ For a recent exampl...
Steve Quayle: “When King Solomon declared: “There is nothing new under the sun..,” what did the wisest man who ever lived mean by this? And how does his statement apply to one of the most provocative passages in scripture, Genesis Chapter 10...
Steve Quayle: “When everything we’ve been taught about ancient history is exposed as a lie -- the ramifications of the truth will reverberate like fireworks across the world. Expect this shockwave to start happening very soon. But let’s back...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve tried to book a flight, or actually fly anywhere in recent months, then you already know what today’s brief PRIVATE BRIEFING is about – however, it’s worse than you even knew. Pilots, mec...
Steve Quayle: “When I started researching the ‘Little Creatures’ chronicled throughout history, the number of recorded encounters and eye-witness testimonies was mind blowing. These strange and mythical beings have been widely referenced all...
"You’ve probably heard by now that thousands of cattle perished in Kansas, and have seen the grisly photos of their bloated legs spiking upward, baking in the sun. This ‘news’ story gives a lot to unpack..."
Darrin Geisinger: “Steve is tied up with a few things, so he asked me to fill in with a short PRIVATE BRIEFING today, So, let’s get on with it. >>>What should be alarming amidst the swirling chaos and catastrophe dominating the headlines is th...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, it’s no secret that Obama desired to remain in office permanently if there were a way to pull it off – well, he accomplished his mission. Sleepy Joe Biden looks no more in control of our government tha...
Steve Quayle: “When Prince Charles made the statement that a world leader is already waiting in the wings to take control, he set in motion the ghost signal that the Son of Perdition, the Man of Sin, or more appropriately the ANTI-CHRIST will so...
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, our Founding Fathers knew that when America stopped guaranteeing its citizens their constitutional rights, our enemies within and without, would destroy this nation. When author Gary Allan wrote his amazin...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve been paying attention to what’s manifesting within these shores, then you already know that these Dis-United States are about to be destroyed. As promised, their next PLAN-demic is about to b...
Steve Quayle: “When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden, they sinned and fell into the knowledge of Good & Evil. When The World Wide Web was named as such, with all its promises and capabilities, modern man took a bite of the same kind...
Steve Quayle: “Today's PRIVATE BRIEFING is one of the most unusual and revealing data-dumps that has ever been given to people outside of intelligence agencies and Black OPs. This BRIEFING is about Skinwalker Ranch in Northeastern Utah, which ha...
Steve Quayle: “Are you prepared for permanent lockdown? Are you ready to be locked inside your homes like a caged animal, like what’s unfolding right now in China? Brothers & sisters, every one of our ‘elected leaders’ (on both sides ...
Steve Quayle: “Since undertaking the GenSix film series True Legends and Forbidden History, one ancient symbol stands out above the rest. Both prior to the creation of Adam and after humanity appeared on the Earth, the SPIRAL SYMBOL has been one...
Steve Quayle: Ladies & gentlemen, one of the most intense projects I’ve ever been a part of is coming to fruition. GenSix Productions has been hard-at-work unraveling ancient and mysterious languages that reveal what is about to happen to o...
Steve Quayle: “He who controls the narrative controls the response – or lack there of – by withholding and distorting the truth. For a crystal-clear example of this, look no further than the countless historical records, drawings, artifacts,...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I will be brief in today’s BRIEFING because I want you to focus on the latest Special PDF Report from Science Guy. Prepared to be rattled to your core! While they have been distracting us with the blue a...
Steve Quayle: "Brothers & sisters, we are no longer just a nation divided (who will not stand), but we're actively at WAR with the God of Heaven. And when you pick a fight with the master and ruler of all creation you will come out on the los...
Steve Quayle: “Human beings view the world within the context of their own understanding. So, let’s talk about how that applies to World War III, the Ukraine, and the ramifications -- both politically and prophetically -- to an all-out nuclear...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, we've spent quite a lot of time lately in these PRIVATE BRIEFINGS describing the swirling turmoil that's now enveloping our world. We must face the evil that's gaining more and more power and warn those of...
Steve Quayle: “Today in this PRIVATE BRIEFING you’re going to learn what ‘Operation Sandman’ is and how it will affect you and everyone on this planet. In short, 155 countries around the world are right now getting OUT of the dollar and in...
Steve Quayle: “One of the most elusive crypto-zoological creatures in the world must be what's known as the big foot, yeti, or the abominable snowman. In this PRIVATE BRIEFING your biggest questions will be answered on the how they have been so ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, when I wrote my book Empire Beneath the Ice: How the Nazis Won World War II (Link for book here: EMPIRE), what I revealed shocked a great many people. Now that it’s coming out that Russia invaded the Uk...
Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, I hope you're sitting as you read this urgent PRIVATE BRIEFING because what’s coming out now about the Elite’s plan to execute humanity is simply staggering. They have designed a bio-weapon that is becom...
Steve Quayle: “Eventually, all puppet shows come to an end. When the man behind the curtain steps out to take a bow, we’ll confirm who has been pulling the strings all along. The apostle Paul spoke to the Galatians about being manipulated and ...
Daniel Holdings: "In my last article for SQ Private Briefings, you may remember me saying that I was a nuclear missile technician in the Air Force back in the early 80’s. So, if there is anyone that can discuss this topic, it’s me..."
...Steve Quayle: “’To Nuke or Not to Nuke’ is no longer a question but a matter of timing, and what will happen next is going to be a wake-up call for the entire world. With Polenz’s decision to allow NATO and U.S. nuclear missiles into (Germ...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentleman, I don’t have to remind you of how the crumbling of these Dis-United States is affecting your bottom line. A trip to your local gas-pumps or grocery store tells you that something is very wrong in the wor...
Steve Quayle: “It is quite telling that of all the planets in our solar system, none play a more important role in history than the planet Mars. Mars is known as the ‘Angry Red Planet,’ and it’s notable that one of the richest men in the w...
Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, it’s hard to find new ways to issue the same warning. For over 26 years I have been beating the drums of ‘preparation.’ I’ve shouted to anyone that would listen to me; PREPARE, PREPARE, PREPARE, an...
Steve Quayle: “As the United States FOOD CRISIS is being engineered by Lucifer himself, all who have pledged their loyalty to him for empty promises will soon be led into eternal damnation. Where we once were known as the land of plenty, we’ve...
Daniel Holdings: "The war that will ensue as a result of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict is different in every respect. World War III has already started but the vast majority of the population on planet earth is clueless as to the ongoing eve...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.