Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, let me ‘bott...
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Steve Quayle: “Alien Disclosure will produce the greatest upset in world history. When a major publication such as the Wall Street Journal carries the story of alien languages, it is putting the public on notice that the Elites are taking control of the narrative, spinning it to their advantage. As most of our Q Files Subscribers already know (and certainly True Legends Conference attendees also know!), I have been overseeing a project that I have titled the ‘Alien GLYPH(TIONARY) Project’ which is a gathering of all symbols found to date on ancient structures, instrument panels from crashed UFOs, and ancient manuscripts (The word ‘GLYPHTIONARY’ encompasses all the different ancient and alien glyph languages on planet earth!). GenSix Productions is currently having these elements put together by a team of computer and linguistic specialists in different parts of the world. The purpose of this project is to reveal the actual meaning of the glyphs PRIOR to those who would seek to rewrite history have a chance to cover it up and ‘make the ETs say’ what they want them to say, claiming that the aliens created us, for starters.
LINK: WallStreetDisclosure/Article
Because of God's love for His people and His desire that we not be deceived, the ‘Alien Glyph Project’ will put us ahead of the curve, as will this year's virtual conference EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS. This event June 11th-12th will be truly unique, not only in content, but also notebly taking place during the time period of Accelerated Alien Disclosure. When God's word declares that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, my hope and prayers are that both the Alien Glyph Project and Streaming Conference will blow their false narrative out of the water! Yet sadly, the majority of the world will still embrace the aliens-from-outer-space-story, forsaking faith in the LIVING GOD'S wonderful and awesome handiwork. “The ETs are our saviors!” they will shout, from every lying media outlet and hilltop. Be ready for their lies by registering early for EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS, and also by pre-ordering your special DVD set. This is a disc collection you won't want to be without as the time of Alien Deception draws near. The silver, 50 Cent pieces that are included with your DVD pre-orders are shipping now! THANK YOU for your support...."
LINK: IsrealETs/Video
LINK: TrumpRelease/Article
LINK: WooVideo/Link
LINK: PreciousMetals/Link
The False-Narrative: “The Aliens are Returning to Save Us” >But Their Big Deception Triggers the Countdown to the End-of-Days.... LINK: DisclosureBook/Info
LINK: DisclosureBook/Info
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, let me ‘bott...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, we are NOW in ...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights Reserved“Now at that time Michael, the great p...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, perhaps the mo...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.