• Glyph Project Translations

Glyph Project Translations Subscription

$249.00 / year

Get exclusive access to Glyph Project Translations, a groundbreaking bi-monthly newsletter exposing the diabolical plans of Lucifer & his Fallen Angels. Stay ahead with critical translations of ancient symbols, AI & quantum computing insights, and more. Subscribers receive 2 reports per month, archive access, VOD content from the Glyph Translation Mega-Event, and 25% off select digital products in the GenSix store. Join now and get instant access to the first report!

Purchase is non-refundable. Please fully read and understand our Terms & Conditions specific to the Glyph Project Translations subscription before purchasing.

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A new bi-monthly newsletter, Glyph Project Translations is an UNPRECEDENTED inner-look at the diabolical plans of Lucifer & his Fallen Angels, & what they have in store for mankind. Many of these schemes are NOW IN PLAY, so please subscribe & be warned IN-ADVANCE as these events overtake the entire Earth!

Realize that the big quantum computing firms (like Google, Microsoft and Meta) are JUST NOW catching up with GenSix Productions in regard to deciphering & translating ancient symbols. While they spent 900 BILLION DOLLARS to make progress, our team has been getting these critical translations ready for you that sound the alarm in all things AI, Quantum Computing, Fallen Angel Language Revelations, and much more. You’ll not only receive a comprehensive and extensive PDF every two weeks, but you’ll also be supporting the GenSix mission to EXPOSE the machinations of the devil before he has a chance to ambush the Saints of God during these perilous End Times. Sign up today and you’ll get the first edition of the Glyph Project Translations right now! Thank you and God Bless!

Glyph Project Translation Subscribers also have access to VOD from the Glyph Translation Mega-Event as well as access to the follow-up Q & A from this event. This provides some critical background that gives context to the Glyph Translation Project and team. Register now for access to the first of these reports and many more to come!

What You Get With Your Glyph Project Translations Subscription

✔ Access to 2 Detailed Glyph Project Translation reports each month
✔ Access to all archive reports as more are translated and posted
✔ Access to VOD from the Glyph Translation Mega-Event in the Members' area
✔ Access to the follow-up Q & A PDF from the Glyph Translation Mega-Event in the Members' area
✔ 25% off all select VOD in the GenSix store
✔ Support a Christian-based translation and unmasking effort unlike anything ever seen

Purchase is non-refundable. Please fully read and understand our Terms & Conditions specific to the Glyph Project Translations subscription before purchasing.


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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2025 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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