  • GenSix Glyph Translation MEGA-EVENT

GenSix Glyph Translation MEGA-EVENT


Premiers Saturday, October 19th

  • Prerecorded 3 - 4-hour Forum with Steve Quayle & the entire Glyph Translation Team
  • Membership to rewatch via GenSix for 1 Year
  • After the MEGA-EVENT, attendees can submit follow-up questions (1 per attendee) to the Glyph Team to answer. [Note: a form to submit your question will be available in the membership section on the Monday following the event.]
  • Full PDF of all Q & A's organized by category (downloadable in the membership area) roughly two-weeks after the event.

Translation of Ancient Symbols Reveals Lucifer’s Plan for the End of Man!

Never before has the translation of pre and post-flood glyphs and symbols been undertaken and accomplished like this! GenSix Productions, headed by the intrepid Producer Steve Quayle, has endeavored to uncover, unfold, and unleash to the world revelations never seen before. This massive “Glyph-tionary Project” has taken years of intense effort but has now paid off. Over 100,000 (out of over 500,000!) symbols have been translated, with many more to come. Amongst the information already deciphered are the names of actual Fallen Angels, as well as demons, and their plans to murder all mankind through genetic destruction. Their aim is to control governments using AI (“alien-infestation”) infecting the world's mega-computers! Jesus referred to this coming slaughter as the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and we must prepare now!

So, join Steve Quayle & the Glyph Translation Team as they answer your most disturbing and difficult questions. Those that purchase this virtual MEGA-EVENT will be able to send their questions to the team after the event and they will also be able to download a full PDF of all questions and answers organized by category. Please support the ongoing Glyph-tionary Project as GenSix Productions unveils the plans of Lucifer and his Fallen Ones… BLESS YOU & THANK YOU for your help!

SKU: GSGT-ME Category:


Premiers Saturday, October 19th

  • Prerecorded 3 - 4-hour Forum with Steve Quayle & the entire Glyph Translation Team
  • Membership to rewatch via GenSix for 1 Year
  • After the MEGA-EVENT, attendees can submit follow-up questions (1 per attendee) to the Glyph Team to answer. [Note: a form to submit your question will be available in the membership section on the Monday following the event.]
  • Full PDF of all Q & A's organized by category (downloadable in the membership area) roughly two-weeks after the event.

Translation of Ancient Symbols Reveals Lucifer’s Plan for the End of Man!

Never before has the translation of pre and post-flood glyphs and symbols been undertaken and accomplished like this! GenSix Productions, headed by the intrepid Producer Steve Quayle, has endeavored to uncover, unfold, and unleash to the world revelations never seen before. This massive “Glyph-tionary Project” has taken years of intense effort but has now paid off. Over 100,000 (out of over 500,000!) symbols have been translated, with many more to come. Amongst the information already deciphered are the names of actual Fallen Angels, as well as demons, and their plans to murder all mankind through genetic destruction. Their aim is to control governments using AI (“alien-infestation”) infecting the world's mega-computers! Jesus referred to this coming slaughter as the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble,” and we must prepare now!

So, join Steve Quayle & the Glyph Translation Team as they answer your most disturbing and difficult questions. Those that purchase this virtual MEGA-EVENT will be able to send their questions to the team after the event and they will also be able to download a full PDF of all questions and answers organized by category. Please support the ongoing Glyph-tionary Project as GenSix Productions unveils the plans of Lucifer and his Fallen Ones… BLESS YOU & THANK YOU for your help!

Please note that GenSix reserves the right to move the premier date should circumstances arise beyond our control.



GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2024 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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