You can continue to renew your SQ Private Briefings subscription annually with the card or other payment method you already have on file.
If you're already set to automatically renew your subscription when it comes up for renewal, you'll just want to ensure that the card tied to the subscription is valid. If so, there's nothing more that you need to do and no need to send a check into our office.
You can always check out your Subscription area in your GenSix account if you need to make any adjustments or update your payment method, etc.
If you've used PayPal to initially set up your subscription, you can also continue to use that payment method.
Should you opt to pay by check, you can send a check to:
GenSix Productions
PO Box 10998
Bozeman, MT 59719
The amount of the check will be for the same amount that you initially paid for your subscription when you signed up.
Make sure to note that it's for an SQ Private Briefings subscription renewal and include the following information in a separate note with your check:
Additionally, you can send a quick email with that info to "" and include the check # and amount on the check so we can verify that with those receiving the check and manually update your subscription in your account.
If you've purchased an annual SQ Private Briefings membership on GenSix, you'll need to be logged into the account that you purchased the subscription through to view your content.
In the top navigation of the GenSix website, you'll see a menu link labeled "SQ" with a dropdown menu under that. While logged into your account with an active SQ Private Briefings subscription, these menu items will take you to all related content. (On smaller devices, this will be under the blue "Menu" button floating at the bottom of the screen.)
If you receive our weekly emails, you'll see direct links in those emails to the latest SQ Private Briefings article. If you're not already logged into your GenSix account, you'll be prompted to login to view the article.
Here are a few direct links to your content
SQ Private Briefings (articles):
SQ Exclusive Reports (including Antarctica):
If you're not currently receiving weekly email alerts, you can opt in to SQ Private Briefings alerts here:
If you'd like to cancel your SQ Private Briefings subscription so that it won't auto renew, simply log into the GenSix account that you purchased your subscription from, navigate to your Account area, then click on My Subscription. You can either toggle the "Auto renew" switch off (which will prompt you to manually renew when the subscription ends), or you can click the blue "Cancel" button under the subscription area. Clicking that button will cancel the subscription and it will not auto renew or prompt you to manually renew when the subscription runs out.
Clicking the CANCEL button does not cancel your current subscription and automatically issue you a refund. It will just keep your subscription from renewing.
Don't worry – you'll still be able to enjoy your current subscription through the end of the paid membership period, so canceling it won't immediately stop the subscription. Your subscription lasts a year from the purchase date.
If you forget to cancel your subscription before it renews and your card is charged PLEASE DO NOT CALL YOUR CARD COMPANY TO DISPUTE THE CHARGE! We will be happy to issue a refund and cancel your subscription. If you dispute the charge, it will take up to a month or longer for you to recover your funds and we can no longer issue a refund on our side. GenSix is additionally charged a hefty fee for any transaction that is disputed. Please contact us first!
QFiles Private Briefings (legacy) refers to all Private Briefings through the end of January 2022.
Please note that SQ Private Briefings, which is a subscription specific to GenSix is different than a QFiles subscription.
Legacy QFiles Private Briefings (on the GenSix site) are available to both subscribers here:
If you are an SQ Private Briefings subscriber (, you'll receive this stand-alone password in your confirmation email and it will also be posted in the SQ Membership section (while logged into your account).
If you are an active QFiles subscriber, you can access all legacy QFiles Private Briefings blog posts (up to January 2022) with your QFiles Subscription ( You should receive a stand-alone password via email from QFiles to view those posts. Note: QFiles Private Briefings (legacy) do not require you to log in to GenSix to view – just the stand-alone password.
Typically, when you enter this password once, your browser will save the password (for up to 30 days) so that you can view other QFiles Private Briefings without re-entering the password. If you need help, please reach out to either or depending on who you have your subscription with.
QFiles ( and SQ Private Briefings ( are two different subscriptions. These separate subscriptions utilize two different systems with separate staff and unique offerings. Each have their own format (video vs. written). Both cover a lot of the same material – so neither are necessarily missing out on key material presented to the other.
QFiles is video based and SQ Private Briefings is written form. Depending on the preference, some people will choose one over the other. QFiles subscribers do have access to the legacy QFiles Private Briefings ( on GenSix for all articles posted through the end of January 2022.
If you'd like to change the payment method attached to your SQ Private Briefings subscription, you'll want to log into the GenSix account that you purchased your subscription from, then navigate to Payment methods and add a new Payment method (or edit an existing one).
Then, go to My Subscription and click on Change payment to change the payment method associated with the subscription. If you've added a new card or payment method, you should see that option now in this section.
If you've purchased or pre-purchased the Lies of Men & Gods DVD, Video on Demand (Vimeo) is NOT included as part of that purchase price. The actual offering with the DVDs is a PDF extras page that purchasers should have received a link to in their confirmation email. This PDF extras page includes the Alien Compendium as well as Intelligent Life in the Universe?.
If you did not receive this link, you can send a message to support to request it. Please help us out by including your original order number.
Currently, we are not set up to take orders by phone. Our online purchase system is set up so that customers will need to create an account themselves and place their own orders on our secure site. Our staff does not have direct access to payment information or passwords.
Our site is secure (encrypted) and all payment/billing information is sent directly to Stripe, a third party payment gateway with heavy encryption, for those worried about privacy. Thanks for understanding.
Our email support (available by filling out the form on the Contact page) is a great way to get in touch with us should you have questions.
As of May 2023 we're resuming shipping to Australia.
New Zealand
As of May 2023, we're unable to ship to New Zealand. It's unclear if this is temporary and we don't currently have further details.
As of January 1, 2021 we are no longer able to ship to the UK and as of July 1st, 2021 we are no longer able to ship to the EU due to new regulations both the UK and the EU have implemented that we are not in compliance with. We are currently allowing these customers to purchase virtual products like VOD, but no physical product that requires shipping to either the UK or EU. We know this is really a disappointment for those from the UK/EU and unfortunately at the moment, there's nothing we can do about that.
In addition to the GenSix website, we have quite a few VOD titles available to purchase directly from Vimeo here:
If you are having trouble creating an account / placing an order, the easiest thing to do is start with creating an account by following these steps:
If you are having trouble logging into an account that you already created, here are a few troubleshooting steps to try first:
If you go to “Your Account” (My Account), you will see a list of navigation items including “Orders” to the left. On the orders page, clicking on any particular order will give you any detail related to that order.
From the Account area, you can also edit billing information and manage other account-related information. Please note that you must be logged in to view your account details.
The number one reason you may not be getting confirmation emails about your purchase is that these emails may be going to your spam or junk folders. Please check those folders first, and if you’re still not seeing an email from us, you can contact us and we’ll manually try to send you another one.
Another reason for not receiving confirmation emails is that you have inadvertently set up an account and mistyped your email address. If you suspect this is the case, you’ll want to contact us to investigate and change it to your correct email address.
If your email address has changed since you’ve set up an account or ordered from us, that’s not a problem at all. Simply log into your account (your username is typically your email address), and navigate to any areas where an email address is saved and edit the information (“Addresses”, “Account details”).
If you would like us to resend any confirmation emails, ensure that your email on file is correct, and send us a request through our Contact form. We’d be happy to send another confirmation email. Remember to check your junk/spam folder if you aren’t seeing your confirmation email.
Details for the Extinction Protocols Conference can be found here:
This was a virtual conference that broadcast June 11-12, 2021.
Streaming / VOD (Video on Demand) for the Extinction Protocols Conference is available by logging into your account. You can access streaming and VOD from the Memberships link in your account area. Live Broadcast of this event is complete, but all sessions are available as VOD (video on demand).
You must be logged into the account that the Streaming purchase was made from in order to view Streaming / VOD.
Extinction Protocols Live Streaming/VOD (Direct Links):
If you are in the Live Streaming or VOD (video on demand) section and see a message saying “Because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here”, or if the videos don't show up, it can typically be easily resolved with one or more of the following steps.
In most cases, one of these has resolved the issue.
If you are in the Live Streaming/VOD (video on demand) section and you are having issues with your video not playing, stopping/starting, or not running smoothly, these issues are most often related to an issue specific to your setup. Live Streaming is embedded directly from another provider and all of our VOD videos stream directly from Vimeo, so are not hosted on our servers and rarely have issues on their own. Here are some troubleshooting tips:
In most cases, one of these has resolved the issue.
Since GenSix Productions pre-purchases streaming spots, Live Streaming tickets are typically non-refundable. Please see our Terms & Conditions for full details. GenSix Productions may substitute VOD of the conference at its sole discretion should GenSix Productions not be able to provide Live Streaming to customers.
You can watch Live Streaming on a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Live streaming requires that you have a good internet connection. We do not recommend public networks for watching streaming.
You don’t have to have a state-of-the-art computer or device to stream the conference. However, if you currently have issues with web pages loading slowly and programs running sluggishly on your computer, you may not have the best streaming experience.
Direct links to this year's Streaming/VOD pages are as follows (note that you must be logged in to your account to view these):
Extinction Protocols Streaming/VOD (Direct Links):
These pages are only viewable by those who have purchased Extinction Protocols Streaming/VOD and only while logged into their account.
There are several ways you can view streaming from GenSix on a TV. If you have a DisplayPort or HDMI output on your computer, you can typically use a cable to connect directly to your TV. Alternatively, you can wirelessly screencast from your phone, computer, or device onto a TV using various apps/hardware such as Apple’s AirPlay, Google Chromecast, or a number of others. You may have varying results by wirelessly casting your streaming, so it’s up to each individual to create a configuration that will work with their computer/setup. We do not provide support or advice for computer/TV setup or troubleshooting, so you will want to Google your options or ask your tech-savvy friends or family and test ahead of time!
Helpful Articles
Apple TV/AirPlay 2-Compatible Smart TV
We typically email streaming purchasers about test times before an event.
While Live Streaming itself may be obvious, you may be asking yourself what the difference is between VOD (video on demand) and a Digital Download. Here’s what you need to know when deciding between the two:
Live Streaming is a live cast of the conference as it happens and will be viewable directly from your account during the conference. VOD (video on demand) are the recorded version of all those sessions available to re-watch “on-demand” afterward.
We are no longer offering Digital Downloads for future conferences but will make conference sessions directly available for purchase as "Lifetime VOD".
Pre-order Conference DVDs will be shipped approximately 15-30 days after the end of the conference. If you purchase a DVD set of the conference, you will receive email communication from our team to let you know when we’re shipping DVDs out. You can always check the status of your order by going to your account. “Processing” means your DVD order hasn’t shipped yet. “Complete” means that your order has shipped (or at least that the USPS label has been created). There should be a USPS tracking number associated with your order that you can follow.
Important: If you move/change your shipping address between purchase date and shipping date, PLEASE CONTACT US AT SUPPORT@GENSIX.COM WITH YOUR UPDATED ADDRESS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. GenSix is not responsible for products shipped to incorrect/outdated shipping addresses.
DVDs, DVD sets, and other GenSix items that are currently IN STOCK are typically shipped within 24 – 48 hours from the time you place your successful order (Mon – Fri, excluding holidays) and are shipped using USPS.
Upcoming conference DVDs/pre-order items will ship approximately 15-30 days after the end of the conference.
Sometimes a “screenshot” of your computer screen can help our support team see a snapshot of an issue you’re having in your account or with ordering. Below are a few links with instructions of how to take a screenshot:
Screenshot on PC:
Screenshot on Mac:
Screenshot on Chromebook:
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.